Pass Agile's Certification Exams FAST - Guaranteed!

Prepare And Pass Your Next Agile's Certification Exam.

  • Real exam questions taken from the current pool of questions.
  • PDF version, of your exam lets you practice your skills on the go and study anytime, anywhere. The PDF test file is an industry standard file format: .pdf..
  • Customizable testing engine to give you real exam simulation environment by downloading our applications.
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PSM 1 Assessment

People who have passed PSM 1, achieving certification, demonstrate a fundamental level of Scrum mastery. PSM 1 certificate holders prove that they understand Scrum as described in the Scrum Guide and how to apply Scrum in Scrum Teams. PSM 1 holders have a consistent terminology and approach to Scrum.

This course contains more than 100 questions to prepare you for the PSM 1 exam.

At the end of this course, you'll be ready to pass your Professional Scrum Master 1 certification.

Last updated : October 3rd 2022

PSM II Assessment

People who have passed PSM II, achieving certification, demonstrate an advanced level of Scrum mastery. PSM II certificate holders prove that they have an understanding of the underlying principles of Scrum and can effectively apply Scrum in complex, real-world situations.

This course contains more than 93 questions to prepare you for the PSM II exam.

At the end of this course, you'll be ready to pass your Professional Scrum Master II certification.

Last updated : Jun 10th 2022

Our exam preparation tool "Professional Scrum Master 1 Training" is available in the Windows Store!

Questions & Answers mirrors the actual PSM I exam while allowing you to hone and measure every aspect of your test-taking ability.

>> Download our app!

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